A few years ago, I photographed a wedding at Copper and Kings where the folks of Bellaire Blooms created the flower arrangements. They were unlike any flower arrangements I had ever seen! Little succulent garden boxes and draped, sage hued flowers draped over the tables. I loved them! Anna and Aaron of Bellaire Blooms flower farm specialize in growing Kentucky flowers. They sell flower arrangements at farmers markets and for weddings.

This summer, Anna reached out to me and told me the story of how she and Aaron had eloped with no photographer and were finally considering some wedding portraits. I recalled reading their proposal story in Instagram; Aaron had planted sunflowers in a pattern that grew to spell out MARRY ME. I couldn't wait to photograph such thoughtful people!

I toured the farm where they grow the flowers for Bellaire Blooms flower farm. We wandered their vegetable garden, from which they eat and can their own preserves.

After we checked out the farm, we went on a ride in the 4-wheeler and ran out of gas. We walked through the woods and finally encountered the river and a small dock. Anna told me they swim there all summer, when Kentucky temperatures regularly exceed 90 degrees for most of the day.

It was a beautiful day. I love looking back at this little journey and am grateful to have been welcomed along.

flowers bellaire blooms
great pyranees
bellaire blooms flower farm
120mm film portrait of bellaire blooms
walking at bellaire blooms flower farm
bellaire blooms flower farm echinacea
bellaire blooms flower farm
bellaire blooms flower farm greenhouse
bellaire blooms flower farm
bellaire blooms flower farm wedding florist
bellaire blooms flower farm greenhouse
120 film black and white photo of bellaire blooms flower farm greenhosue
bellaire blooms flower farm greenhouse
bellaire blooms flower farm kentucky florist
bellaire blooms flower farm garden
aaron bellaire blooms flower farmer
aaron and anna bellaire blooms flower farmers
bellaire blooms flower farm sunflowers
sunflower farming in kentucky
walking in a field in the woods
black and white 35mm film flower farming bride in the woods
bellaire blooms flower farm
120mm color film photo of bride
bellaire blooms flower farmers wedding portrait
bellaire blooms flower farm wedding portrait with great pyranees
120mm film portrait couple on dock
bellaire blooms flower farmers by the river
bellaire blooms flower farm truck
bellaire blooms flower farmers

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